Important Facts about the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in Your Toothpaste

How much do you know about sodium lauryl sulfate? Often referred to as SLS, this is a common ingredient that is probably found in many of the personal care products in your home. From soap and shampoo to toothpaste, SLS is useful in helping these products to lather so that they can clean surfaces more effectively.

Some controversy has erupted over the use of SLS, especially in toothpaste, so it is important that you are able to separate fact from fiction about this substance.

SLS is Safe if You Follow Instructions Properly

All SLS-containing products will come with instructions how to use them properly. As long as you are following those guidelines, SLS shouldn't have any negative effects. If you choose to use these products improperly, such as inhaling or ingesting them, you could experience health consequences.

SLS is What Makes Orange Juice Taste Strange after Brushing

Have you ever wondered why orange juice tastes so strange after you brush? SLS is the reason. SLS will affect the taste buds by inhibiting the way that the experience sweetness. Food will usually taste right again about 30 minutes after you brush.

SLS Could Irritate the Eyes or Skin

Some people don’t tolerate SLS well. In most cases, these are people with sensitive skin, as SLS can even be irritating in the mouth. If you are using toothpaste and notice that your mouth is developing lesions or other sensitive areas, you may wish to switch to an SLS-free option.

SLS Doesn't Cause Cancer

Some people are under the impression that SLS can cause cancer, but that isn't true. There is no evidence supporting this myth, so you shouldn't be concerned about any long-term or serious health consequences from using SLS toothpaste.

If you have additional questions or concerns about what is in your toothpaste, contact our office.

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