Wisdom Tooth Pain

Woman suffering from wisdom tooth painIf you are reading this you are probably suffering from wisdom tooth pain. I’d bet you are between the ages of 17 to 25, as that is when they usually try to erupt. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are a common source of pain as they try to come through the gum tissue. There is usually not enough room for them in the average mouth. The ultimate solution to solving the problem is their removal. This is usually done by an oral surgeon. What follows are some tips to help ease the pain until they can be


The cause of the pain

If you are in pain it is usually caused by inflammation of the gum tissue around the tooth. This can be caused by food getting caught around the tooth. The gum then swells and often bleeds easily. Sometimes the gum can swell so much that you can wind up biting on it which will cause additional swelling and pain.

What you can do

Pain from inflamed gum tissue can possibly be reduced by aggressively cleaning the area with a tooth brush. The goal of this is to remove the dental plaque and the bacteria it contains. Brushing with a toothpaste designed to improve gum health, such as Parodontax, can potentially help. A rinse you can use that might be helpful is to mix up 1/4 teaspoon of bleach in 8 ounces of water. This amount should be good for about one week. Mix it in a covered mason jar. Rinse with a small amount of this solution for 1 minute then rinse with tap water. Do not swallow this solution. The solution is designed to reduce bacteria which can be one source of the pain and inflammation.

When to see a dentist

If your pain continues more than a couple of days or if you have any swelling of your face you need to see a dentist. Pain in your neck on the side of the wisdom tooth can be swollen lymph nodes which also indicate the need to seek dental care. If you have an infection that the body is responding to it is beyond anything you can treat at home.

What your dentist will do

Your dentist will evaluate the area to see if you can keep your teeth or if they need to be extracted. At times the problem is localized to the flap of skin over the tooth. This tissue can often be removed if there is enough room for your wisdom teeth to come in. At times the dentist will clean out the area around the tooth to provide some temporary relief. They may prescribe antibiotics. Often it is best to remove the tooth as soon as possible.

Wisdom tooth pain can be avoided

I have seen so many patients have problems with their wisdom teeth that I routinely recommend removal of all four teeth when space for them is limited. This is often done before the roots have completed their development so the surgery is easier for both the surgeon and patient.

Please remember that pain and swelling is a signal that something is wrong. Always seek medical assistance when small problems continue to worsen. I recommend that even if you are able to eliminate your wisdom tooth pain yourself that you see a dentist to evaluate your teeth as soon as possible. You will never regret taking better care of that smile.

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